perspective vue de loin perspective vue de loin
vue panoramique de nuit vue panoramique de nuit
vue intérieure entre strates vue intérieure entre strates
plan et coupe du projet plan et coupe du projet
schema de pers coupe schema de pers coupe
rendu du concours rendu du concours


Maitrise d’ouvrage : Arquitectum

Maitrise d’oeuvre : D3 Architectes (mandataire)

Montant travaux : nc

Surface : 3 200 m²

type de procédure : concours international ouvert

LAUREAT : 1er Prix sur plus de 400 rendus




Between earth and skyAt 12m high: The Main Deck: The Beach Lodge is composed by 20 mobiles wood & high tech fabrics, and all services around who are as much of technical bungalows. All around thus, a 3m large water plan, which’s in the same time a thermal regulator and a type of invisible railing.

At 16m high: The Panoramic Deck: A no limit terrace surrounds by the same type of water level, where the sky, the sea and the desert merge. No physical barriers, alone face to the immensity of the site and the history of CHAN CHAN.

Back to earth… The structure is masked by a water wall, forming a fine and transparent enclosure. We enter in this water citadel, as in a hopper between two worlds, a building which offers its shade to anybody in the middle of the desert of CHAN CHAN